Tús Maith o’clock #1 - The importance of making a good start!

Welcome to the first ever Tús Maith o’clock.

In Irish, Tús Maith means ‘a good start’. We have a lovely Irish saying: ‘Tús maith leath na hoibre’ (pronounce toos mah lah nu hib-ra) This is translated as a good start is half the job / task.

For me, a good start is setting my intention.

For years I have started each day with a mug of coffee, my journal and usually some nice coloured pens. (I find colour really fills my heart with JOY!) I write a few lines about having a great day. When we take the time to set our intention we are sowing seeds of expectation that usually yield a better harvest.

The second daily practice I have is writing a page of things I am grateful for each day. I’ll write things down as they occur during the day and finish the page just before turning out the light to sleep. It’s amazing how a grateful heart going to sleep results in a lovely excitement for the day ahead, when you wake up next morning. (It doesn’t always work…but usually it does!)

My invitation…

1) Get a nice notebook (A5 is a good size)

2) Every morning (or when you remember during the day) write:

I NOW have an AMAZING (or whatever word feels right for you) day today.

(Be sure to add you FULL STOP…it means you really mean it!)

3) At some stage during the day fill the rest of the page with things you are grateful for, starting each sentence:

I am so grateful for / that…

4) Repeat 2 & 3 each day for the next week…and just watch what happens!

Join me here next Monday to get your week off to a great start again OR sign up for my newsletter and get next week's video in your inbox at 5pm. (Irish time)

Remember, reading the recipe book never baked the cake. These two simple practices will take between 5 and 10 minutes a day. Have a great day and a FAB week!

ALL my love, M