The Real Reason we can't express our feelings and needs - The Dressing Gown Diaries

Happy Monday!

I hope you are safe and well. 

I am allowing a new format to evolve for my blogs. Below I've information about how to order My Kinda Magik cards and books (also in the video) if you are looking for inspirational Christmas presents...and I was guided to pull TWO cards! But first let's get to the real reason for the blog. I'm really excited about a MAJOR NEW for me anyway!

At the end of a very long conversation last night I had a HUGE AHA about...

WHY we can't express our feelings and needs...and it's NOT what I expected. It's all about activating the part of our brain that controls speech!

There is a lengthy explanation with my insights in the video. (10.12minutes)

The four steps to EXPRESS YOURSELF:

1. Get clear about your feelings and / or needs (Journaling works best for me!)
2. Write a script of what you'd like to be able to say, using words that feel right for you.
3. Practise your script OUT LOUD (the video explains why!). This is KEY!
4. Start using your new script in real life!

As usual, I picked a card to support us:

I am WISE and POWERFUL. Cool!

The reverse message:

I love the REAL ME!

Here's the original video....

Want to give a life long gift of POSITIVITY and INSPIRATION?

As I explained in the video I plan to reprint My Kinda Magik Cards.
Once I have 100 packs pre-ordered I will be able to fund production.
The cards are €15 plus post & packaging.

If you want to pre-order cards just email me at this NEW EMAIL ADDRESS with the quantity you want to purchase. I will invoice you when I have stock.

I also have small stocks of My Kinda Magik Books.
My Kinda Magik (€15) & My Kinda Magik The Workbook (€10)
Christmas Deal both for €20 plus post & packaging.
I will happily sign, dedicate and post worldwide.

OR you can order the books (not the affirmation cards) on Amazon.
Here's the link on my website (with more information) to order books from me and Amazon.

Then it felt right to pick a second card!

I really MATTER.

The reverse message:

Not everyone sees life the way I do.
It's important for me to understand others.
It's important for me to be understood too.

Here's the original video....

If at any stage you want to'll find all the original My Kinda Magik videos here on my website. If you're on your phone...just scroll up...and see where it stops!

As I explained in a previous video, I'm working on breaking free of any 'shoulds' that are no longer right for me and / or mean that I am not fully authentic in how I show up and serve in the world. Consequently, from now on, the newsletters and Dressing Gown Diaries videos will arrive when I have something important I want to share! (You can sign up for the FREE newsletter here!)

Till we connect again, sending ALL my love...have FUN!

Signature for My Kinda Magik April 2017.png